The ULN2003 is a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. It is designed for interfacing between low-level logic or microcontroller systems and high-power loads such as relays, motors, and solenoids. The ULN2003 contains seven Darlington transistor pairs with common emitters and integral suppression diodes for inductive loads. Each pair is capable of handling loads up to 500 mA and 50 V. This makes it an ideal choice for driving a wide range of high-current, high-voltage loads in various industrial and automotive applications. The ULN2003 features TTL and CMOS compatible inputs, making it easy to interface with a wide range of microcontrollers and digital logic circuits. It comes in a 16-pin DIP package, making it suitable for use in a variety of circuit board designs. With its high current and voltage handling capabilities, the ULN2003 is a versatile and robust solution for driving demanding loads in a wide range of applications.
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