The LM7812 is a voltage regulator integrated circuit that is designed to provide a constant 12-volt output voltage from a higher input voltage. It is widely used in electronic circuits and power supply applications where a stable and reliable voltage source is required. The LM7812 has a maximum input voltage of 35 volts and can provide a maximum output current of 1 ampere. It has built-in thermal shutdown and current limiting protection features, making it a safe and efficient choice for regulating voltage in various electronic devices. This voltage regulator is available in a compact TO-220 package, making it easy to integrate into a variety of circuit designs. Its simple design and ease of use make it a popular choice for hobbyists, students, and professional engineers alike. Whether you are working on a DIY electronics project or designing a commercial product, the LM7812 voltage regulator is a reliable and cost-effective solution for maintaining a steady 12-volt power supply.
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