The LM324N is a quad operational amplifier (op-amp) integrated circuit that is widely used in a variety of electronic applications. The op-amp features four independent amplifiers that are designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. The device is capable of operating from a minimum voltage of 3V and can work with a maximum supply voltage up to 32V. The LM324N is known for its versatility and performance, making it suitable for a wide range of applications including audio amplifiers, signal conditioners, electronic oscillators, and voltage regulators. The op-amp offers low input bias current, high input impedance, and low offset voltage, providing users with high accuracy and reliable operation. The device is housed in a standard 14-pin dual in-line (DIP) package for easy integration into circuit designs. Overall, the LM324N is a highly versatile and reliable op-amp solution for various electronic applications, making it a popular choice among electronics hobbyists and professionals.
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