The IRF530N is a N-channel power MOSFET designed for high voltage and high-speed switching applications. This power MOSFET is capable of handling a continuous drain current of 14A and can withstand a maximum voltage of 100V. With a low on-resistance of 0.16 ohms and a fast switching speed, the IRF530N is suitable for a wide range of power management and control applications. This MOSFET is constructed using advanced process technology to ensure high performance and reliability. Its TO-220 package allows for easy mounting and provides efficient thermal conduction for improved heat dissipation. The IRF530N is also designed to be lead-free, making it environmentally friendly and compliant with RoHS regulations. Overall, the IRF530N is a versatile and robust power MOSFET that is well-suited for various power switching and control applications, such as power supplies, motor control, and voltage regulation circuits. Its high current and voltage ratings, low on-resistance, and fast switching characteristics make it an ideal choice for demanding power electronics designs.
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