The BSS138LT1 is a small-signal N-channel MOSFET transistor designed for use in a wide range of applications. With a compact and lightweight design, this transistor is ideal for space-constrained electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. It offers low on-state resistance and fast switching speed, making it suitable for use in high-frequency applications. This MOSFET transistor features a 50V drain-source voltage rating and a continuous drain current of up to 200mA, making it a versatile choice for various circuit designs. Its low threshold voltage allows for efficient control of the transistor, while its low input capacitance ensures minimal input signal distortion. With its small footprint and high performance, the BSS138LT1 is an excellent choice for designers looking to optimize the performance of their electronic devices. Whether used in consumer electronics, industrial equipment, or other applications, the BSS138LT1 offers reliable performance and energy efficiency, making it an excellent choice for modern electronic designs.
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