The 74LS86 is a quad 2-input exclusive OR (XOR) gate integrated circuit. It is a popular choice for digital logic designs and is widely used in various applications such as computer systems, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. The 74LS86 features four independent XOR gates in a single package, making it a convenient and space-saving solution for XOR gate functionality. Each gate has two inputs and one output, and it operates on standard TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) voltage levels. With its low power consumption and high-speed operation, the 74LS86 is well-suited for use in high-performance digital systems. Its versatile functionality makes it a key component in the design of arithmetic and data comparison circuits, as well as in signal processing and waveform generation applications. Overall, the 74LS86 is a reliable and efficient integrated circuit that provides robust XOR gate functionality for a wide range of digital design applications.
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