The 2N5088 is a general purpose NPN bipolar junction transistor commonly used in electronic circuits for amplification and switching applications. It features a leaded TO-92 package with three leads for easy mounting and soldering. The pinout configuration for the 2N5088 is standard for NPN transistors, with the emitter pin (E) on the left, the base pin (B) in the middle, and the collector pin (C) on the right when viewing the flat side of the transistor with the leads downward. The 2N5088 has a maximum collector current (Ic) of 50mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage (Vce) of 60V, making it suitable for a wide range of low to medium power applications. Its low noise and high gain characteristics also make it ideal for audio amplification and small signal amplification in electronic circuits. Overall, the 2N5088 is a reliable and versatile transistor that is widely used in DIY projects, audio equipment, and small signal amplification circuits.
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