The 2N4401 is a general-purpose NPN bipolar junction transistor widely used in various electronic applications. With its high gain and low noise characteristics, this transistor is ideal for amplifying and switching applications. Featuring a maximum collector current of 600 mA and a power dissipation of 625 mW, the 2N4401 can handle moderate power loads with ease. It has a maximum voltage rating of 40V, making it suitable for low to medium voltage applications. This transistor is housed in a TO-92 package, making it easy to handle and mount on PCBs. It has three leads - collector, emitter, and base - which allow for straightforward integration into electronic circuits. The 2N4401 offers high collector current capability, ensuring efficient amplification and switching performance. Its low noise characteristic makes it suitable for audio amplification and signal processing applications. With its small size and excellent performance, this transistor is a reliable choice for various projects requiring low to medium power amplification or switching.
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