Introducing the 2n3904 NPN transistor, a versatile and widely-used component in electronic circuits. This small signal transistor is designed for general purpose amplification and switching applications, making it a popular choice for a wide range of electronic projects. With a maximum collector current of 200mA and a maximum power dissipation of 625mW, the 2n3904 offers excellent performance and reliability in various electronic circuits. Its low saturation voltage and high current gain make it suitable for use in audio amplifiers, oscillators, switch-mode power supplies, and more. The 2n3904 features a TO-92 package, making it easy to handle and mount on a circuit board. Its pinout includes the collector, base, and emitter terminals, making it simple to integrate into a circuit design. Whether you're a hobbyist, student, or professional, the 2n3904 transistor is an essential component for your electronic projects. Trust in its proven performance and versatility for your amplifier and switching needs.
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